Angeliners annual Awards 2022: carbon neutral event
a climate-friendly event
Project: calculation and offset of the carbon footprint of the Angelini Pharma awards meeting: the carbon footprint is the measure of the climate impact of the event, which is compensated to obtain a carbon neutral event (i.e. an event with zero climate impact )
Goals: contribute to the fight against global warming
Target: stakeholders
The Angeliners Annual Awards 2022, the year-end award event organized by Angelini Pharma, has chosen the respect for environmental and climate issues.
In collaboration with Piano B and with Rete Clima, all the activities connected to the event have been analyzed (such as: its planning, implementation, mobility of participants, energy, materials, food & beverage, waste, etc.) in order to quantify its “carbon footprint” and to offset it up to the climate neutrality of the event.
This is an important commitment oriented to climate mitigation actions, against climate change.
How was neutralized the climate impact of the event?
Compensation of the carbon footprint of the Awards takes place trough to the cancellation of carbon credits of the standard’s Verra registry.
The carbon credits are generated by Brazil Nut Concessions Projects, a REDD+ Project (acronym of “Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation“): this is a forest conservation project promoted in the Peruvian Amazon, in the province of Madre de Dios.
Established in 2010, the Brazil Nut Concessions project prevents deforestation and protects the biodiversity of 500,000 acres: the project aims to orient the local economy towards harvesting Brazil nuts, a precious natural product that can only be found in the ancient rainforest protected by the project, reorienting the local economy towards forest conservation.
The decision to work with international compensation projects combines the values of environmental protection with values of cooperation and international development.
The project is coherent to the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
The Brazil Nut Concessions Project participates in the VCS Program – Verra (VCS-868):
The Brazil Nut Concessions Project is included in the pool of decarbonisation activities proposed by: