German Unity Celebration 2023
Germany's first carbon neutral Unity Festival
Project: A reception to celebrate German Unity and a commitment to sustainability
Goals: Carbon neutral event to make a contribution to the climate change challenge
Target: Italian and foreign institutional representatives
Link: www.italien.diplo.de
On Monday, October 3 from 7 p.m. will be celebrated in Rome the Day of German Unity in the residence of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Italy, Hans-Dieter Lucas.
In organizing the event, the Embassy is committed to reducing carbon emissions.
In collaboration with Rete Clima, an Italian technical Organization, the climate impacts of the German Unity celebration event were analyzed: at the event will be attended by about 800 guests, in order to quantify its carbon footprint and to neutralize it until the event’s climate neutrality.
How was neutralized the climate impact of the event?
Compensation of the carbon footprint took place trough the cancellation of a number of carbon credits equal to the value of the carbon footprint of the event itself (expressed in terms of tCO2).
The emissions, estimated at about 6389,5 kgCO2eq for the event, were actively managed through support of a forest conservation project in Brazil certified to VCS-Verra standards, such as VCS Project 1382 – The Envira Amazonia Project:
This project covers an area of 39,000 hectares of tropical forest and generates an average reduction of 1,259,646 tons of CO2 emissions per year over a 30-year period from 2012 to 2042.
The project helps protect critical habitat for endangered wildlife and in particular protects the presence of at least four endemic plants on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: acreana, odorata, longistipulata, and macrophylla.
The Envira Amazonia Forest Conservation Project in Brazil supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany participates in the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) Program – Verra: