BEA 2023: urban forestry in Rome
Urban forestry in Rome
Project: Urban forestry in Rome
Goals: Planting of 100 trees and shrubs
Target: Stakeholders
In November, over the course of an entire week, Rome will host Live Communication Week, a business platform to celebrate the creativity and innovations that are reshaping the live communication landscape, gain new skills and be inspired by brilliant speakers, share best practices and create new business opportunities with top industry professionals.
Five creativity-packed days during which some 2,000 event and marketing professionals will gather with the aim of enhancing the event as a strategic medium, fully included in companies’ communication plans, and celebrating the year’s best projects during awards ceremonies dedicated to the event supply chain.
With the support and supervision of Rete Clima, as part of the Live Communication Week – 2023 (Bea Italy and Bea World), 100 plants, including trees and shrubs, will be planted in the Mezzocammino district in Rome’s Municipality IX in autumn 2023. This area contains one of the city’s new residential quarters, the recent development has allowed urban areas and green spaces to be integrated into urban planning.
The planting of tree types (such as oak, ash, hazel, downy oak,..etc.) and shrub species aims to improve the quality of the urban environment, create usable areas for citizens, improve air quality, promote the sequestration and storage of atmospheric CO2 (responsible for global warming) and protect territorial biodiversity.
This new green area will be able to provide a variety of ecosystem services related to improving air quality, carbon dioxide absorption, promoting urban biodiversity, as well as improving the landscape and aesthetic component.
The forestation activity in Rome supported by ADC Group as part of Live Communication Week – 2023 (Bea Italy and Bea World) is part of Foresta Italia, the National Forestation Campaign of Rete Clima that started in spring 2022.