TIM: carbon neutrality of Gruppo TIM websites (2023)
green web
Project: Quantification and offsetting of CO₂ emissions related to the hosting of TIM Group websites in 2023
Goals: Carbon neutrality of Gruppo TIM websites for the year 2023, by supporting a carbon project in Brazil. In addition, TIM is supporting a new forestry project in Turin in autumn 2024.
Target: Stakeholder
Link: www.gruppotim.it/it.html
Among the ESG objectives, TIM Group wants to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 and promotes projects that contribute to reducing the environmental impact of all production activities in terms of lower CO2 emissions.
Also for 2023, TIM’s commitment continues through a new project to calculate and neutralize greenhouse gas emissions generated in 2023 by the hosting of TIM and TIM Group Companies’ commercial and institutional websites.
In 2023, the websites of the TIM Group recorded a web traffic that equals to an emission of about 397 tons of CO2eq, approximately 33 laps of the Planet.
The decarbonisation project of TIM Companies’ websites uses the CO2web methodology, developed by Rete Clima and verified by the ICMQ Certification Body, which aims to measure and offset all greenhouse gas emissions related to the energy consumption of the hosting phase of the Group’s websites.
The CO2web methodology includes 3 working steps:
The neutralization of CO2 was carried out by supporting a forest conservation project, certified according to VCS-Verra standards, such as The Envira Amazonia Project REDD+, in Brazil.
This project covers an area of 39,000 hectares of tropical forest and generates an average reduction of about 1.2 Mln tons of CO2 emissions per year over a period of 30 years(from 2012 to 2042): the Project contributes to protecting critical habitat for wildlife and plant species.
The Envira Amazonia Project is a REDD+ (Reduction of emissions from deforestation and degradation) that aims to prevent emissions caused by deforestation and degradation that would have occurred in the absence of the project, promoting the importance of the conservation and sustainable management of forests in Developing Countries.
The Envira Amazonia Project involves environmental, social and economic benefits for the territory and its population, as:
- contributes to protecting the critical habitat for endangered wildlife
- mitigates the pressures of deforestation using a mix of social programs aimed at improving the livelihoods of community members living nearby. This includes courses of good agricultural practice, the use of fire in the preparation of land; a better management of pastures, extraction of medicinal plants for commercial purposes.
- includes training courses for the development of sustainable agriculture, creation of alternative economic activities, including the marketing of the collection of medicinal plants and açaí.
The Envira Amazonia project also obtained the validation and verification of CCBS (Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standard) with Triple Gold Level Distinction, for the outstanding positive impact on climate change mitigation, support to local communities and protection of biodiversity.
In addition to the carbon offsetting project in Brazil, the Gruppo TIM will support in autumn 2024 a new forestry project in Italy aimed at increasing the naturalness of urban green areas and generating ecosystem services for the local territory.
These projects are part of Foresta Italia, the National Climate Network Forestry Campaign, that started in spring 2022 in partnership with Coldiretti and PEFC: