Salone del Mobile: Supersalone 2021 carbon neutral
carbon assessment, reduction, offset and certification
Progetto: carbon assessment and carbon neutrality of the event
Obiettivi: increase of the sustainability level of the Salone
Destinatari: Stakeholders of Salone del Mobile: Expositors, Istitutions, Visitors
Salone del Mobile comes back, in green dress with a new name: Supersalone.
This renewed 2021 edition of the Salone del Mobile has chosen a concrete and current sustainability strategy by calculating and neutralizing its own greenhouse gas emissions, thus becoming a carbon neutral event.
This action is performed by Rete Clima in partnership with the newco Inrete Green.
This is the first large-scale event at Fiera Milano that calculates and neutralizes its own climatic impacts, in coherence with the present environmental and climate needs.
This decarbonization action operated by Supersalone also wants to communicate the need to restart the activites after Covid with a new style and a new commitment, oriented towards sustainability and contrast global warming, the present most risky environmental phenomenon.
This project borns from the committment of Salone del Mobile in close cooperation with Studio Boeri and Fiera Milano, involved both in re-design of the new sustainable structures in the common areas and in exposition areas, but also in the collection of the necessary data for the assessment of the carbon footprint, according to the ISO carbon standards.
ICMQ, italian certification body, validates the study and the total amount of GHG emissions, that are neutralized by Rete Clima by using carbon credits.
The environmental actions comprise a parallel tree plantation in Milan for a concrete action in the local place of Milan, by continuining the forestry action in Milan began with Rete Clima before the pandemia by Assarredo with the “Design Wood“.
All the certification, carbon offset and local plantation will be performed after the closing of the Supersalone, after the calculation of the Supersalone’s climate impact by using the real data registered during the event.
As soon as possible will be communicated all the information about the next steps of climate action, both in terms of carbon assessment or in terms of carbon offset.